Christ for India
an IRS
tax deductable
501(c)(3) nonprofit
Christ for India
Fighting the evil giant of poverty, we are better together.
"No child should go hungry"
Is Christ For India affiliated with any church or denomination?
Our statement of faith is the same as that of the National Association of Evangelicals* and we are an interdenominational work. Christ For India’s commitment has never wavered. We are keenly aware of the part we can play in sharing God’s love. The staff are followers of Jesus Christ, dedicated to developing children worldwide. We are working exclusively through local churches and the Christ For India fellowship in India.
Christ For India has two boards of directors; one in the USA and one in India. The Child Sponsorship Program in India is administered by CFI staff, local church pastors and volunteers in India. In the USA the sponsorship program is facilitated by the CFI Administrator, the board, and volunteers.
In the past year alone CFI has expanded to include 8 new churches and programs helping children in need.
Can I write to my sponsored child?
When writing a letter to your child, please consider your child’s environment and culture. Feel free to write about your family, friends, and hobbies. Letters are then translated then given to the child. You can always enclose colorful postcards and photos that your sponsored child will treasure. Sponsored children love hearing from and receiving photos of their sponsor's family. When submitting pictures of yourself; out of respect for the culture, please observe a dress code of modesty.
Once a year we will send your child a special Christmas gift. You may always contribute to this special gift and Christmas party that each center holds. This is always a great surprise and a big hit with the children. You will also receive a greeting card from your sponsored child during this time of the year.
Please do not enclose your monthly sponsorship gift or any cash with your correspondence with your child. You can write your child at:
Christ For India​
Attn: Kathy Adrean
Will I hear from my sponsored child?
Your sponsored child would love to hear from you and will write back via translators. Please be patient. It is common for a reply to take up to two months. Long distances, remote locations in faraway villages, and inadequate postal services make for slow communication. However, with ever-increasing access to the internet, this is rapidly changing.
Can I donate additional funds for my sponsored child?
At times you may learn of special needs your child may have. The family may need a bicycle for transportation, or a new roof for their house. If you wish to make an additional donation to your child, your donation will be used to buy the item for your child.
Will my child learn about God?
We want to share the gospel with every child in the program – most programs are overseen by pastors and their wives who teach these children on a regular basis. We reach out to children of all faiths, however we honor our commitment to abide by local laws and customs. Christian teachings are vital to our sponsorship program.
Will I get updates on my child’s progress?
The children send personalized Christmas greetings every year and at the end of the school year in India progress reports are sent.
How long will my sponsorship last?
Ideally, a child is sponsored until the age of 18. Once a child is able to take care of themself, and no longer needs help, an opportunity to sponsor an equally needy child is presented. When a child finishes school (1st-12th Standard) and should be self-sufficient, they are to exit the program. Occasionally a child’s family moves away from the area, or the family's circumstances change and they no longer need assistance. Sadly, there have been extreme cases, where either from meeting with an accident or succumbing to a fatal disease, children have died. The best scenario is when a church or community becomes self-sufficient, the support of our program is no longer needed and Christ for India locates another community in need.
Also, we understand the financial circumstances of a sponsor may change. If a sponsor is unable to continue a child's support, we appreciate them letting us know. If this is a short-term situation, the sponsorship is put on "hold'" for the designated time and reserve funds are used to take care of the child. If a sponsor must terminate their support, so that we can seek another sponsor, we are grateful to be informed. No one else sponsors that particular child. There have been cases where two friends or groups pool their resources to sponsor a child. No matter how long your sponsorship lasts, your gift of love to your sponsored child will change that child’s life forever.
How does CFI protect sponsored children?
CFI is committed to protecting the security, privacy, and dignity of a sponsored child. As part of that commitment, we request that you contact your child only thru our USA office. Child profiles are provided for the sole purpose of sharing appropriate information with you, the sponsor, and are not for distribution in any other manner. All Photographs and information about your sponsored child remain the property of Christ For India. Christ For India reserves the right to cancel a sponsorship at any time, for any reason deemed to be in the best interest of the child.
How do I make my contribution?
There are several ways to send child sponsor support. Automatic monthly giving with a bank or credit/debit card is the preferred method. We accept major bank credit/debit cards. International sponsors find PayPal an easy way to send support. However, we also accept checks or money orders made payable to Christ for India. You may choose to give monthly or annually.
How do I keep track of my contributions?
For sponsors in the U.S., each month we send a letter along with a self-addressed envelope thru which your monthly sponsorship can be mailed. At the beginning of each new year, you will receive a tax-deductible statement with the total amount of your annual giving for the previous year. This is your only legal receipt for income tax purposes. Christ for India is registered with the IRS as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations to “Christ For India” are tax deductible. CFI Articles of Organization are available upon request. Your statement will include your child’s name, ID number, and the amount of your contribution. CFI is committed to helping the cause of the poor and needy regardless of a person’s religion, race, ethnicity, or gender. We are here to demonstrate God’s unconditional love in action to all. Your relationship with your sponsored child makes you a very important person who has a significant role in his or her development. You stand alongside parents, pastors, teachers, family, and friends who are taking an active role in encouraging and developing the child.
A focus on child development:
Our program targets the needs of the individual child physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.
A goal of child discipleship:
We believe the most loving thing we can do for children is to introduce them to Jesus Christ. When children discover their worth to God, their self-esteem blossoms. Children who recognize their roles, as disciples are a strategic part of today’s Church. Our goal, then, is to take a child from the brink of survival to abundant life as a disciple of Jesus Christ.
What percentages of expenditures are spent on program activities?
Throughout the years, Christ For India has consistently averaged more than 80 percent of total expenditures being used for program activities, with less than 20 percent being used for fundraising and administration.
*Statement of Faith
We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God.
We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.
We believe that for the salvation of lost and sinful people, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential.
We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life.
We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.
We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.